Climate Change Education

Climate Change Education

Climate change is here to stay. The effects of climate change will be felt by the planet for the next 2-3 decades even if all nations move to net zero tomorrow. Students need to be taught how to cope… to adapt to this new normal of extreme climate events. The need of the hour is to impart education on the science & reality of climate change for all students

‘Global warming’, ‘climate change’, ‘green house gases’, are all just words in the vocabulary and in the minds of students. Students need to get an in-depth understanding of these terms and the science & reality of climate change. Students need to learn, how we got here, what we can do to be prepared for extreme weather events, what we can do to mitigate the situation, and how we can build sustainability in our life

The Climate Change Education Project has been conceived a necessary knowledge imperative for the citizens of tomorrow

Here are some highlights of the project

Stage 1: India

  • IN India, the total number of school students in middle and high schools is 115 million– 23 million in private schools and 92 million in government schools

Climate Education target coverage

  • Phase 1: 2.18% of private school students – 500,000 students, starting July/August 2022
  • Phase 2: 5 million students from private and government schools, starting July/August 2023
  • Phase 3: 23 million students, starting 2024

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